Friday, 1 February 2013

Antidote Update No.4 - Squads

Hello all! This update features a new font for the game as well as a heads-up-display or HUD to show the score, the number of remaining antidotes and the multiplier for the score.

The main new feature is squads! You can now press the Enter key to call for help. When you do, the surrounding humans will circle you wherever you go. I find that about 3 or 4 is a suitable size because they can get in the way of you getting a good score but there is no limit (so long as you can get yourself in the middle of them all).

When you shoot a zombie, you score a number of points equal to the number of health points you hit off a zombie. One bullet (currently) scores 5 health points of damage on the zombie. Each zombie has 100 health points, so killing a zombie on your own gets you 100 points but getting a multiplier on your own is very difficult.

Also, when you are turned into a zombie, you must collect an antidote to turn back into a human. So there still isn't a way to lose... I'm still working on that.

Here's a game-play video to wrap things up. If you can, please "like and subscribe" me on YouTube on my video here. If not, here's the video anyway:

Thanks everyone for reading and watching, see you next time.

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